A very accurate representation of the final battle of the Galactic Civil War. The game starts simple, just blast TIE fighters. Then things become more complicated, because you can take a Star Destroyer and TIE interceptors to the mix have. The cutscenes are very well done, and the lines come directly from the film (text, no sound clip). Play the game as a simplified version of the X-Wing Academy game, and even allows you to change the settings of the laser, and even a lock on proton torpedoes. The benchmark for the perfect captial ship, every Star Wars fan precision fighter appreciate spaceship size ratio, for example, Mon calmari Cruisers really look as if they are three dozen fighters who could something that can be seen only rarely hold on the game now a days.
The graphics are very good for the game enthusiast. Some works best professionals I've ever seen. Music comes straight from the Star Wars films (such as "It's a trap!" And the Imperial March) and a very high quality, but I think they were just pulled from the soundtrack.
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